[open-science] Planet Open Science

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 1 21:51:25 UTC 2014

On 10/01/2014 03:15 PM, Jack Park wrote:
> Svetlana,
> I see that you have a vote. Can you articulate your reasons for that
> vote? Is there a working hypothesis at play here?
> Are tags and categories the only criteria for choosing?
> What about signal-to-noise ratio? How does the platform support honest,
> civil debate about topics?  For that matter, how does it make specific
> topics findable? relatable?
> Does it simply aggregate, or does it provide for organizing resources?

Um, good questions.  Maybe we all could explore the possibilities via a
sprint via IRC or some form of real time chatting?
Svetlana Belkin
A.K.A: belkinsa
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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