[open-science] [Open-access] Elsevier: some facts, by Tim Gowers

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 21:35:46 UTC 2014


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Bjoern Brembs <b.brembs at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Maybe I can understand what this is all about, if someone can explain to me what giving Elsevier a rap on the knuckles should actually accomplish in the grand scheme of things?
> I didn't mean to derail the conversation nor make it focus (or not) on a specific publisher. My intent was to determine if the fight is to lower the profits for the publishers or to make them do what they promised and what the researchers expect them to do?
> Personally, I am more interested in the latter than in the merits or demerits of unbridled capitalism, but I understand different strokes move different folks.

It's a shame to couch it in terms of 'capitalism', pulls triggers for
distracting explosions.

I guess we most of us agree that, if Elsevier is using an effective
monopoly to take large amounts of money from academia for a service
that could be much cheaper, then that's worth talking about.



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