[open-science] [Open-access] How do you evaluate Open Access Journals?

Ivan Ferrero ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 11:59:01 UTC 2015

Dear all thank you for your replies!

I go point by point...

1) a link to the ever-updated DOAJ would be more comfortable for us, but
the idea here is to give our Psychologists Colleagues a curated list of
Journals useful to them.
I take the suggestion and talk with the staff of the National Psychologists

2) while I'd like to contribute to the evaluation, I'm not a Researcher nor
I know statistic, so I'm not able to evaluate the researches.
And yes...a task force made of Psychologists to curate a listing would be
very useful, so I stay open minded to any suggestion

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*Dr Ivan Ferrero*
Digital Psychologist, Mind-Body Psychotherapist
 m:+393334339624 | e:ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com | w:www.ivanferrero.it | a: via
Felice Bisleri 11, Milano (Italy)
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2015-02-10 11:08 GMT+01:00 Gerritsma, Wouter <wouter.gerritsma at wur.nl>:

>  Dear Ivan,
> There exist at least 5 different sites which attempt to judge the quality
> of journals. Open Access or not. They invite you contribute your experience
> with the journals as well.
> Journal Peer review sites
> http://journalreviewer.org/
> http://www.Qoam.eu
> http://scirev.sc
> http://www.journalysis.org/
> http://www.journalguide.com/
> Perhaps these sites and their criteria are a help.
> Wouter
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________
> Wouter Gerritsma
> Team leader research support
> Information Specialist – Bibliometrician
> Wageningen UR Library
> PO box 9100
> 6700 HA Wageningen
> The Netherlands
> ++31 3174 83052
> Wouter.gerritsma at wur.nl <Wouter.gerritsma at wur.nl%0d>
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> *From:* open-access [mailto:open-access-bounces at lists.okfn.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Ivan Ferrero
> *Sent:* zaterdag 7 februari 2015 22:00
> *To:* OpenScience mailing list; open-access at lists.okfn.org
> *Subject:* [Open-access] How do you evaluate Open Access Journals?
> Hi everybody I'm about to persuade the National Psychological Association
> (Ordine Nazionale degli Psicologi: don't know the right translation) to
> insert an Open Access Journals list on their sites.
> Then a question came out: How do we evaluate all these Open Access
> Journals?
> While the usual Academic Journals are reviewed, how can we say whether an
> Open Access journal is a good source or just trash?
> How can we say researchers don't pay to publish their works, and other
> stuff?
> Can we rely on the impact factor? How?
> The provisory list is HERE:
> http://bit.ly/openaccessjournals
> (I didn't created it, but I was unable to find the creator)
> And: what "APC" and "waivers" stand for?
> Thank you!
> Ivan
> [image: photo]
> *Dr Ivan Ferrero*
> Digital Psychologist, Mind-Body Psychotherapist
> m:+393334339624 | e:ivan.ferrero1975 at gmail.com | w:www.ivanferrero.it | a:
> via Felice Bisleri 11, Milano (Italy)
> <http://plus.google.com/+IvanferreroIt>  <http://twitter.com/IvanPsy>
> <http://it.linkedin.com/in/ivanpsy/>  <http://www.pinterest.com/ivanpsy/>
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> From My Google Plus Page 27 chrome tabs and now it's frozen: maybe I
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> <https://plus.google.com/108685563399602479492/posts/DR7WBYv1dg2>
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