[open-science] “After SSRN: Hallmarks of trust for subject repositories” - OpenAIRE blog post

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Fri May 27 08:57:48 UTC 2016

  Peter Murray-Rust writes

> It seems like it's critical to immunize even organizations like CERN, EBI
> and National Libraries and projects such as OpenAIRE.

  I wonder how the immunization is supposed to be applied and be effective.

> The danger comes from at least:
> * well-meaning members of the projects who haven't looked ahead to dangers.
> * political interference (e.g. neoliberal government privatisation of
> services).

  The real problem is the subscription model that has libraries
  spending fast funds on publishers who are then able to buy any
  innovative scholarly product supported by a centralized

> We must think the unthinkable and protect against it.

  Political pronounciations and more open-access hypocrisy from libraries
  won't change the economic fundamentals.



  Thomas Krichel                  http://openlib.org/home/krichel

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