[open-science] Nominated Members of the Open Science Policy Platform

Ross Mounce ross.mounce at gmail.com
Fri May 27 08:59:15 UTC 2016

My personal take.

Clearly the list was chosen on a stratified organisational basis, with
preference to organisations that have the word 'Europe' in them (and yes,
that's a slightly sarcastic comment). If only Open Knowledge was called
'Open Knowledge Europe' perhaps we might have got Jenny in :)

I'm super glad to see Michela Vignoli (YEAR), Sabina Leonelli (GYA),
Rebecca Lawrence (F1000Research), John Wood (RDA), Natalia Manola
(OpenAIRE), Kristiina Hormia Poutanen (LIBER), Kurt Deketelaere (LERU).

Biggest concerns / unknowns (and to be clear I mean the organisations here,
not the people):

EMBO (I don't perceive them to be progressive when it comes to open
research. Perhaps big resistors to change, although they are welcome to
prove me wrong. "Hi" if you're reading this EMBO)
European Physical Society  ???
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences ???

Biggest surprises not to be on the list:

EMBL (The European Molecular Biology Laboratory): major intergovernmental
organisation specialising in basic research in the life sciences, funded by
public research monies from more than 20 member states.
Max Planck Society
Wellcome Trust

That there is only one person representing funding organisations strikes me
as odd. Aren't these the organisations that traditionally lead policy and
implement policy?

Any other opinions? Or is it best for strategy that we keep honest thoughts
like this to ourselves? ;)


On 27 May 2016 at 09:31, Ross-Hellauer, Anthony <
ross-hellauer at sub.uni-goettingen.de> wrote:

> Announcement is out:
> http://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/pdf/ospp_nominated_members.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none
> Some good people there but seems a shame they rejected some of the names
> from this list (a lack of rabble-rousers?!).
> Still, not stuffed with legacy-publishers (just one for STM assoc), so
> that’s something.
> Thoughts?
> Dr. Tony Ross-Hellauer
> OpenAIRE <https://www.openaire.eu/> Scientific Manager
> University of Göttingen
> Email: ross-hellauer at sub.uni-goettingen.de
> Tel: +49 551 39-31818
> Twitter: @tonyR_H <https://twitter.com/tonyR_H>
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Ross Mounce, PhD
Software Sustainability Institute Fellow 2016
Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
www.rossmounce.co.uk <http://rossmounce.co.uk/>
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