[open-science] Research Fellowship on OpenCitations [deadline: 25 January 2019]

Silvio Peroni silvio.peroni at unibo.it
Sun Dec 23 17:59:40 UTC 2018

Dear all,

OpenCitations (http://opencitations.net) is a scholarly infrastructure organization dedicated to open scholarship and the publication of open bibliographic and citation data. I am writing to let you know that we have a Research Fellowship available in the Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (DHARC) of the University of Bologna, Italy, to work on the OpenCitations Corpus (OCC), an open repository of scholarly citation data.

We seek a skilled computer scientist / research engineer who is an expert in Python, Semantic Web technologies, Linked Data and Web technologies, who will be able to develop scripts for extracting in-text references from articles within the Open Access Subset of biomedical literature hosted by Europe PubMed Central and for extending the existing ingestion workflow so as to add the new in-text reference data into the Corpus. Additional expertise in Web Interface Design and Information Visualization would be highly beneficial, plus a strong and demonstrable commitment to open science and team-working abilities. The position is for one year duration, starting 1st March 2019, and is funded by the Wellcome Trust. It has a net salary (exempt from income tax, after deduction of social security contributions) in excess of 23K euros per year.

Applications are open and will close on 25 January 2019, 15:00 CET. Additional information, including a brief project description and the call for application, are available at:


If you know any potential candidate who might be interested in this opportunity, I would be most grateful if you could please forward this information to them. You or they should feel free to contact me (silvio.peroni at unibo.it) for further information.

Have a nice day :-)


Silvio Peroni, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies
University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
Director, OpenCitations
Figshare Ambassador
E-mail:	silvio.peroni at opencitations.net
Encrypted: essepuntato at pm.me
Web: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/silvio.peroni/en
Twitter: @opencitations, @essepuntato

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