[open-science] Open Science MOOC webinar: Bringing Science to the 21st century: Open Source tools for better research.

Jon Tennant jon.tennant.2 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 18:25:25 UTC 2019

Dear list members,

I hope this finds you all well. I'm happy to announce that the first
webinar for the Open Science MOOC has been scheduled! Mozilla Fellow Andre
Maia Chagas will be joining us on Feb 18th (3pm, Berlin time), with his
talk entitled "Bringing Science to the 21st century: Open Source tools for
better research."


It is of course free to join (although might require enrolling for the MOOC
itself), and we welcome anyone and everyone to participate! We will record
it too and make it available afterwards, especially for those who can't
make it or don't wish to enroll formally.

Also, in the last post to this list I think I forgot to actually include
the URL to the feedback myself and the Free Journal Network provided on
Plan S: https://zenodo.org/record/2557828#.XFnSjbh7lZU (see also this
thread from Lenny Teytelman for some extra discussion



(P.S. If anyone else is interested in giving a webinar/talk via the MOOC in
the future, please do get in touch!) :)


*  Nomadic Palaeontologist, Rogue Open Scientist; PhD, MEarthSci, MSc*

   - Founder of the *Open Science MOOC
   <https://eliademy.com/catalog/catalog/product/view/sku/02d7338a7e> *


   - Founder of *paleorXiv* <https://paleorxiv.org/>, a free digital
   publishing platform for Palaeontology
   - Companion Website <https://paleorxiv.github.io/>
   - Independent open science communicator and consultant
   - Author of Excavate! Dinosaurs
      World of Dinosaurs (coming 2018)

*Personal website <http://fossilsandshit.com/> - Home of the Green Tea and
Velociraptors blog.*

*ORCID:* 0000-0001-7794-0218 <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7794-0218>
*Twitter:* @protohedgehog
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