[open-sustainability] CESC in the UK

Townsend J.H. J.Townsend at soton.ac.uk
Fri Jul 19 10:25:44 UTC 2013

Great that you'll be coming.

Sounds like timings a bit tight then if Sunday is the only day and you guys need to get to Cambridge by 18:30

Does Sunday during the day work for you too Daniel? Is anyone else coming over?

We normally have speaker events on a Monday evening, but we're keen to play with the format to keep it fresh. Have to have a think what sort of event might work well on a Sunday lunchtime. Open to ideas! Perhaps a Cleanweb Brunch, A Cleanweb-Picnic-in-the-Park, A Cleanweb BBQ or a Cleanweb Unconference…

Would you like to speak about anything in particular? This is a very mixed crowd of largely Webby people (developers, designers, entrepreneurs), some environmental people and a mix of others, so the talks tend to be more "TED-y" than academic in tone. You can see the sort of events we've had on the meetup group:  http://www.meetup.com/Cleanweb-London/


Web & Sustainability University of Southampton

@JackTownsend_ <https://twitter.com/JackTownsend_>  jack at jacktownsend.net<mailto:jack at jacktownsend.net>
+44 7934 508 661

On 18 Jul 2013, at 23:14, Josefin Wangel <josefin.wangel at abe.kth.se<mailto:josefin.wangel at abe.kth.se>> wrote:

Hej Jack!
Good to hear from you, hope you're doing fine!

I and Daniel are going to the EESD conference, are you coming too?

Would be most interested in looking into the opportunities for a Cleanweb London event, perhaps Daniel and I could do something together, given that we find a time that works. I'm planning to travel to London Saturday Sep 21st to visit some friends before the conference starts. However, since I won't be arriving until the evening I think that the Sunday would be better, and preferably the afternoon as the first conference event is scheduled to start at 18.30.

Looking at the conference program I think it will be hard to have the event during the conference days, and I need to travel back to Stockholm Wednesday evening.

Let me know what you think.


From: Townsend J.H. [J.Townsend at soton.ac.uk<mailto:J.Townsend at soton.ac.uk>]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 8:27 PM
To: Daniel Pargman; Jorge Zapico; Josefin Wangel
Subject: CESC in the UK


Do you know who's planning to come to the UK in Sept for the EESD event?

As mentioned, would love to host you at a Cleanweb London event if it still works for you. We could do any time 21 to the 26 Sept.


Web & Sustainability University of Southampton

@JackTownsend_ <https://twitter.com/JackTownsend_>  jack at jacktownsend.net<mailto:jack at jacktownsend.net><mailto:jack at jacktownsend.net>
+44 7934 508 661

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