[Open-transport] Canada's VIA Rail

Hannes Gassert hannes at gassert.ch
Fri Apr 27 18:35:33 UTC 2012

On Thursday, April 26, 2012, Richard Akerman wrote:

> I only knew of two national-level train open data efforts, from
> France's SNCF and the UK's ATOC, if there are others please let me
> know or add them in the comments.


1) In Switzerland there's http://transport.opendata.ch, a semi-official
realtime API for the Swiss train network. We're working on getting more
official support.
2) Could you please send me links to what the SNCF and ATOC are doing?

Sending kind regards,
Hannes Gassert

Hannes Gassert  |  http://gassert.ch  |  +41 78 663 11 09
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