[Open-transport] Transit tracker for worldwide GTFS feed

Patrick Brosi | geOps patrick.brosi at geops.de
Fri May 2 15:56:04 UTC 2014

Hi Thomas,

we plan to update the feeds regularly. I already downloaded the new NL 
feed, so after the next server restart, the current version should be 

As to the background map: I did not know it was that outdated, but it 
certainly is the most beautiful public transit map I know of :)


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On 02/05/14 17:36, Thomas wrote:
> Wow cool. Minor points of feedback: The default OSM transit map is very
> out of date, at least in the Netherlands.
> With regard to Dutch data, how often will you update the data? I noticed
> The Hague is no longer realtime probably due to the fact they shipped a
> new dataset on tuesday for today.
> However this is a great tool for visualizing the quality of the data ;)
> Thanks.
> THomas
> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Uli Müller | geOps <uli.mueller at geops.de
> <mailto:uli.mueller at geops.de>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     We would like to point to a new web application that visualizes public
>     transit movements from currently more than 70 GTFS feeds from all over
>     the world.
>     http://tracker.geops.ch
>     This tracker is heavily optimized in order to allow maximum data
>     throughput and performance. As you will easily realize the movement of
>     each vehicle is very smooth. The efficiency of server and client allows
>     to optionally speed up the visualization by many factors. In the current
>     implementation you may run the visualizaton 6o times faster than
>     real-time what will give you a nice impression of the patterns within a
>     schedule. Please note that all feeds get loaded at once, so there is no
>     manual or explicitly coded switch from one feed to the other. The
>     visibilty of single vehicles only depends on the visible map extent and
>     the scale of the map. With this approach the tracker has the potential
>     to aggregate GTFS feeds for really large areas and serve as a planning
>     tool across the borders of individual transport agencies. Real-time data
>     is used where available (currently, there is real-time data for San
>     Francisco and the Netherlands).
>     The tracker is based on TrajServ and TraVIC, open-source server and
>     client components that have been developed by Patrick Brosi as his
>     Master Thesis. We are happy to have Patrick in our team now.
>     We hope you have fun with the tracker and appreciate any feedback.
>     Best regards
>     Uli Müller
>     --
>     web www.geops.ch <http://www.geops.ch>
>     rss www.geops.ch/blog/feed <http://www.geops.ch/blog/feed>
>     follow www.twitter.com/geops <http://www.twitter.com/geops>
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