[Open-transport] first data from Open Delays (BE, IT, UK) + next steps

Simone Cortesi simone at cortesi.com
Fri Nov 14 11:53:51 UTC 2014

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Raphael du Cheyron Calvelli
<rd at ouvaton.org> wrote:
> We would like also to show you some nice graphics, do you have any idea how
> to make MySQL-based graphics ?
> Now we want to use this to reach some stable and bigger aim : how to use all
> this to get progress in Open Data - technical, legal or political aspect ?
> And we would like also to make our system stronger, as it is yet still a bit
> new. Let's discuss this.

This comes to my mind, you probably know this already

A way of automatically getting a refund for a delayed train.

A good exploitation of the data, streamlining the access to refunds
automating it across the three countries.

This would be awesome and very good real life application for freed data.

Let me know if you would like to talk about this for my country
(Italy) [I know you already are in touch with Stefano]


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