[Open-transport] API for Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr schedules

Aleksei Valikov valikov at gmx.net
Mon Feb 29 18:47:12 UTC 2016


incorrect. I've just forked https://github.com/brakmic/OpenLok into
deutschebahn to keep track of it.

It's not a DB publication. All Kudos go to Harris Brakmic (

Best wishes,

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 6:57 PM, Markus Windegger <windegger at sasabz.it>

> Hello list,
> the Deutsche Bahn published 2 mins agou a converter for gtfs:
> https://github.com/deutschebahn/db-api-to-gtfs
> Happy Hacking
> ~markus
> ------------------------------
> *Von:* open-transport <open-transport-bounces at lists.okfn.org> im Auftrag
> von Pieter Colpaert <pieter.colpaert at okfn.org>
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 29. Februar 2016 11:09
> *An:* Christian Helbling; open-transport at lists.okfn.org
> *Betreff:* Re: [Open-transport] API for Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr
> schedules
> Agreed
> Op ma 29 feb. 2016 11:01 schreef Christian Helbling <helbling at search.ch>:
>> On 28.02.2016 18:22, Pieter Colpaert wrote:
>> > [..]
>> > General idea for the open transport mailing list: should we create a
>> list of things we expect from open transport publishers? E.g., we can all
>> agree we want GTFS in the first place, in the second we want a good GTFS
>> (with optional files such as shapes.txt included), then we also want a
>> GTFS-RT. Anything else?
>> I would agree that we need the raw data first.
>> Whether we have that in GTFS or any other text-based format wouldn't
>> matter much.
>> If it's easier for them to publish HAFAS raw format, they should.
>> It's main file is very good to read by both computer and human by the way.
>> I'm sure that after a few days we have written a GTFS converter.
>> It's not clear that they provide Google with GTFS.
>> -Christian
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> ------------------------------
> Markus Windegger
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