[open-visualisation] BBC Dimensions

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Fri Aug 20 09:40:23 UTC 2010

This is really interesting!

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The fab team at the BBC recently published this web resource titled
Dimensions to help you get a sense of the physical magnitude of events
and places from recent news as well as historical ones.
Its domain name equals the question:
Based on a simple concept, the showcase gets a partularly high
viz-score I would say, merely because it use the same
pattern/components over and over again: all have the same maps, same
colored area fill, borders, pointers...
And I like that the actual "size" is not revealed in numbers
necessarily, but instead realized at view-time using your spatial
mind, which is very near where the rest of the information on the
event is cached :)
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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