[Open Design + Hardware] New definition for open design

Tanja Aitamurto tanja.aitamurto at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 02:14:29 UTC 2015

Hi all,
We have developed a new definition to conceptualize open design. The
definition includes both *the open product and the process, *and includes
open-source software, open hardware, and open commercialization processes,
like open innovation, as well as open and participatory design practices
like crowdsourcing and co-creation*.* This new definition, accompanied by a
three-layered framework to analyze open design processes, is introduced in
an article *'Open Paradigm in Design Research*' published last week at the
Design Issues.
I'd be grateful to hear feedback and comments, and for pointers to related
work, as we are developing this concept further.
Many thanks,

Dr. Tanja Aitamurto
Deputy Director
Brown Fellow, postdoctoral
The Brown Institute for Media Innovation <http://brown.stanford.edu/>
School of Engineering
www.tanjaaitamurto.com <http://brokenfence.flavors.me/>
~ examining collective intelligence in journalism, governance and design ~
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