[wdmmg-dev] Proposal: Architectural Changes - Part I. (long)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jul 8 11:23:15 UTC 2011

On 8 July 2011 08:48, Martin Keegan <martin.keegan at okfn.org> wrote:


>> Note: search engine might or might not be part of OLAP module, recommended is indexing out-of OLAP module
>> with references to OLAP objects (multidimensional aggregates, detailed facts)
> Yes - what are your (and other people's) views on Solr and how it fits in?

I've recently been looking at elasticsearch
<http://www.elasticsearch.org/> and it seems really nice. I also note
that you could actually use it as a nosql db if you wanted so we
*could* use it for all the non-anlytical stuff (martin said above:
"Ergo, we need a writable db for annotations, flags, etc, and unique
ids for entries." ...)


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