[wdmmg-dev] Proposed model overhaul

Martin Keegan martin.keegan at okfn.org
Tue Oct 4 10:36:35 UTC 2011

>> a payment in respect of which we want to record a value in more than
>> one currency?
> This, otoh, feels like its two ways of looking at the same payment
> (i.e. a split between currencies would duplicate the amount in the
> DB). One way to type for currency would be to have a flag on the
> measure to specify its currency on a per-measure basis, rather than
> per-dataset. I actually like this a lot, since it emphasises the fact
> that we deal with spending. We now can decide on how specific we want
> to be there (i.e. "USD" or "2010 USD" or "31.12.2009 USD").

So, the main case I am thinking of is:

you have a NGO which spends money in several currencies, and someone
has dumped their raw bank statements onto you (this is not
unrealistic), and these are in more than one currency (this is very
realistic indeed)

Would you please post the "before"/"after" versions of the mapping and
the resultant SQL schema, so we can reason better about how to handle
this and similar cases?


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