[openspending-dev] Easy tickets for new contributors!

Tryggvi Björgvinsson tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org
Tue Oct 1 13:06:09 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Yesterday I ran a code checker (pep8, pyflakes, and mccabe's complexity)
on the openspending code base. It found 1260 issues with it :)

So I created 3 tickets in our issue tracker for all of these issues. One
for pyflakes (which would be about removing unused imports etc.), one
for pep8 (which would be about ensuring code convention) and one for the
complexity (which would make methods more testable and maintainable).

* https://github.com/openspending/openspending/issues/690 (pyflakes)
* https://github.com/openspending/openspending/issues/691 (pep8)
* https://github.com/openspending/openspending/issues/692 (complexity)

The pyflakes and the pep8 issues I marked as "Volunteer: simple" and the
complexity as "Volunteer: medium".

If you want to contribute big time to openspending this would be a great
place to start! It's not difficult and you get to know the code base
while making it easier for new contributors to read and understand the
code (by improving the code). Win for everyone!

You don't have to fix all of them to send in a pull request. I would
actually recommend sending in pull requests frequently since this is an
effort that many can participate in.

I'm setting a goal to get all of these issues fixed by the end of
October but in order to do that, we need you to help us out!

Let us know if you want to help so we can coordinate the effort a little
(to reduce duplication of work).


Tryggvi Björgvinsson

Technical Lead, OpenSpending

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org>

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