[wdmmg-discuss] super easy way to let us know about spending cuts

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Aug 18 23:10:13 UTC 2010

@Tony: this is a mini-project in WDMMG where your super-gdocs skills
would be amazingly useful and put to good use ...

Right now (correct me if I'm wrong Lisa!) we need help:

  * Merge/compare all the different sources of cuts data including our
own together  (currently spread around various different google docs
and lists)
  * Compare with some of the suggested cuts of e.g. Tax Payers
Alliance and IFS (see Lisa's comments below)
  * Do some visualization!
  * Get a workflow about cleaning and processing the data we get in

On 17 August 2010 09:40, Lisa Evans <lisa.evans at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi
> I've changed the way you can let us know about a spending cut.
> It's really easy now, you just need to paste in the url of a place the cut
> is reported ... and that's it!
> http://www.wheredoesmymoneygo.org/cuts/submit/

This is great Lisa. I've taken the liberty of making a couple of mods:

a) add amount field (still have only 3 fields total) and many people
could put this.
b) Put all items on 1 page (you only have 3 fields!)
c) Reworked help text



> You can add more details about the cut on the next page of the form, but it
> is not required as we will do the rest.
> Also I made a spreadsheet of all the Tax Payers Allience proposed £50
> billion spending cuts:
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhkFVPcNaYlxdDdjSlUxeUh0RjNHSUY3OC1EYnQwZ3c&hl=en&authkey=CMuO6_kJ
> Would be really interested to see how these suggested cuts compare with,
> what is happening in reality and also the suggested cuts of, say, the IFS.
> Contact me if you want to help with those comparisons.
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