[wdmmg-discuss] WDMMG Mexico

Friedrich Lindenberg friedrich.lindenberg at okfn.org
Tue Feb 15 10:34:16 UTC 2011

Hi Jose,

2011/2/9 Jose Maria Marin <Jose at fundar.org.mx>:
> The information you provided is very useful. It would be good to have a Skype call if you can spare the time.

I'd be very happy to chat and will be online most of today and
tomorrow (Skype: friedrich.cleversoft) during what I assume are
Mexican business hours.

> There is at least one big database provided by the government on the yearly budget that we can use for the overview, and regions visualizations; however, I suspect we'll have to create other databases, for example one that has both income and expenditure information for the "My daily bread" visualization.

I have not been involved in the creation of "My daily bread" but from
what I understand it is simply based on expenditure by function
normalized via the ballpark tax estimate generated by the tax API
(http://data.wheredoesmymoneygo.org/api). The latter part would likely
have to be entirely different for Mexico but I'd like to discuss if we
can find a way to integrate many tax schemes into one API - from what
I know, similar work has been done in Norway as well.

We're also very interested in re-developing "My daily bread" in
JS/HTML (as opposed to Flash), so that we may become more flexible in
the kinds of break-downs we permit.

> I wonder if it's possible to see the actual database for My daily bread to replicate it (taking into consideration of course the differences in expenditure classifications, etc).

The UK-specific tax api seems to be pretty much hard-coded, but I'm
sure we could extract a useful interface. For the original thing, have
a look at: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/wdmmg/src/43c7b45b0eb8/wdmmg/lib/calculator.py.

Best regards,


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