[wdmmg-discuss] WDMMG -> Flash (flex?) Bubble Chart Source Files! ?

Armand Brahaj mandi at shqiperia.com
Fri Jan 28 12:16:27 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,
This is my first post into this mail list and it is a
pitty that I am starting by asking some help :)

We are currently working
on a Open Data Project for Albania and we find fantastic the representation
of the UK spending data (the uk-bubble-chart).
We would like to offer a
similar vizualization tool in our site and I would like to know if these
files are offered some way in an open source licence? We (and other similar
projects) might benefit from these source-files to generate a similar
representation for our projects without increasing the cost of our

Thank you in advance for the attention to this email,
Armand Brahaj
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