[OpenSpending] Fw: cooperating with the OKF on the new initiative

v.mischenko v_mischenko at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 13 20:37:56 UTC 2013

Hi Rufus,

Thanks for your readiness to think on the topic.
> There is quite a bit of participatory budgeting work going on and
which OpenSpending is very interested in. For a great overview see
this talk by Tiago Peixoto of the World Bank at OKFestival last
September: http://okfestival.org/thursday-morning-plenary/
Very interesting talk. Thanks for pointing me to that.

> Also along these lines is the OpenSpending.mobi idea: http://openspending.mobi/
That's really funny! I want it! :-)

> I think OpenSpending folks would be very interested in this but I
should emphasize that we can't necessarily commit, say, development
resources. OpenSpending is a community based project and it is largely
up to participants what they work on. Where we do have grant-funded
work it is usually on a specific area (we could work to try and find
such funding). 

Yes, I now understand a bit better the way you are working.I will aslo try to get some budget from non-profit foundations around here in Holland.

> Immediate first steps would be spec out a bit more what
you have in mind. What about writing a 1-2 pager giving a bit more
detail of exactly what you imagine this system to be like?
Good point. As I wrote to Anders, I am trying to get more details on the architecture and interfaces of the municipal IT. Then I'll try to make it more concrete.
Thanks for your advises,
Will get back to you, Valer.
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