[OpenSpending] LinkedSpending adoption

Konrad Höffner konrad.hoeffner at uni-leipzig.de
Mon Mar 10 09:21:00 UTC 2014

Dear OpenSpending community,

Last year, we converted the OpenSpending datasets to Linked Spending
published it on the Semantic Web (see the blogpost
In order to revise
the related publication
<http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/system/files/swj562.pdf> and to
improve LinkedSpending, we would like to know about the adoption of the
public SPARQL endpoint <http://linkedspending.aksw.org/sparql>, the RDF
the OntoWiki <http://linkedspending.aksw.org>and the CubeViz
Have you utilized any of those for your work or even included them in a
project? Or are you interested but there have been problems we can
improve? Do you have further proposals, e.g. on how to use different
features in order to simplify some process or provide additional
utility? Please let me know!

Additionally, do you have information about the average frequency and
the handling on update requests on datasets? Is it possible to change
the model on a dataset on updates or is that fixed once specified and
only the data can be updated and added?

Konrad Höffner <http://aksw.org/KonradHoeffner.html>, University of
Leipzig, work group AKSW

P.S.: This is my second posting of this message because I didn't get a
confirmation for the first one and didn't found it in the archives so I
assumed it to be lost. Please excuse me in case of a double posting.
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