[OpenSpending] Announcing A New Architectural Roadmap For OpenSpending!

Meg Foulkes meg.foulkes at okfn.org
Wed Apr 15 21:15:18 UTC 2015

Dear All,

As you may have read over on the OpenSpending blog
<http://community.openspending.org/blog/>, Rufus and Tryggvi have been
working hard on a new vision for our community work together. You can read
the proposal that was accepted in full here

This new design means:

   - an OpenSpending ecosystem of smaller pieces, more loosely joined.
   - an OpenSpending to which it is easier to contribute, in which it is
   easier to connect your solution to the global budget data initiative.
   - an OpenSpending that is easier to improve; instead of one monolithic
   codebase that nobody wants to touch, it means smaller , more accessible
   projects that we hope will inspire your participation.

In short, it’s an empowering of the awesome OpenSpending community which
lies at the heart of everything we do.

What do you think? We'd love to hear your thoughts - please join the

[And don't forget to vote for your choice of date for April's community
hangout! check the blog announcement for info here

Best, Meg

Meg Foulkes

OpenSpending Community Manager  | Skype: meg.foulkes1  |

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