[School-of-data] Examples: Crowdsourcing and NGOs

dan mcquillan d.mcquillan at gold.ac.uk
Thu May 9 09:41:59 UTC 2013

this is a great area to look more closely at.

it's quite hard for NGOs to do successful crowdsourcing. as 
neo-corporates, their approach usually feels like outsourcing (of 
immaterial labour) rather than something participatory.

lucy: what's your approach to learning from the examples? might be good 
for wider debate?


Dr. Dan McQuillan
Lecturer in Creative & Social Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London

On 08/05/13 21:50, Anna Kuliberda wrote:
> Hi Lucy,
> 3 examples comes quickly to mind, maybe there is something more...
> Polish example - "Open monuments" by Digital Centre Project Poland
> As they say on their project submission page 
> <https://www.newschallenge.org/open/open-government/submission/-201c-open-monuments-201d-using-crowdsourcing-for-improving-open-cultural-heritage-data/> 
> to the Knight Foundation news challenge:
> "We have been running the project since spring 2012 and have received 
> broad interest from media, NGO's and individuals, who are sharing with 
> us data, information and photos of cultural heritage. In the Summer 
> 2012, over 7000 people took part over the period of a month in a 
> national crowdsourcing action focused on checking, updating and 
> providing basic information about historical objects from the 
> registry. This was a first crowdsourcing action of such scale in Poland."
> Serbia: An interesting project "What's Your Doctor Like?" (in Serbian: 
> http://www.kakavjedoktor.org/) and its not to happy story onUNDP blog 
> <%20http://europeandcis.undp.org/blog/2013/04/30/serbian-citizens-take-on-corruption-in-the-health-sector/#comment-33654%20>
> Kosovo Innovation Lab (by UNICEF) did a small scale, but yet 
> successful mapping of youth centres: 
> http://kosovoinnovations.org/kosovoyouthmap/ more about it also on the 
> website where we're collecting transparency oriented CSO's usage of 
> new technology in the Balkans: 
> http://communityboostr.org/resource/crowd-sourcing-mapping-and-young-people-kosovo
> Of course there are tones of better or worse implementations of 
> FixMyStreet or WhatDoTheyKnow, but this is probably a whole other story.
> as a curiosity I can add something what was done as a completely 
> grass-rooted project of few crazy Poles whoinventoried Polish 
> governmental websites, 
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al3dkW0tU6S5dEVlc3N5SnlkQzctRHlkMF9GX1NRamc#gid=0> 
> it lookls like something way better then what any public catalogue 
> has, but I don't know how complete it is and whether it was used by 
> anybody yet.
> cheers,
> Anna
> ----
> Anna Kuliberda
> anna.kuliberda at gmail.com <mailto:anna.kuliberda at gmail.com>
> +48 793 021 636
> twitter: @adrebiluka <http://twitter.com/#%21/adrebiluka>
> skype: anna_kuliberda
> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Natalia Mazotte <ncortezrj at gmail.com 
> <mailto:ncortezrj at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Lucy,
>     Could be from Brazil? We had this nice project called
>     "Proprietários do Brasil" (take a look at the crowdsourcing
>     campaign
>     <http://catarse.me/pt/portalproprietariosdobrasil>), whose goal is
>     to reveal the connections among the largest companies operating in
>     the country and public investments. The NGO responsible for this
>     project is the "Instituto Mais Democracia", if you need to talk to
>     someone there, I can send you the contacts.
>     Best wishes,
>     Natália.
>     2013/5/8 Lucy Chambers <lucy.chambers at okfn.org
>     <mailto:lucy.chambers at okfn.org>>
>         Good evening folks, (apologies for cross-post)
>         I am looking for a couple of examples (both successful and
>         non-successful) of crowdsourcing projects done by NGOs as case
>         studies.
>         Does anyone have any good examples we might be able to learn
>         from?
>         Many thanks,
>         Lucy
>         -- 
>         *Project Coordinator*
>         School of Data <http://schoolofdata.org/> and
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>     Natália Mazotte
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