[School-of-data] Fw: How to translate School of Data materials into Japanese

heather Leson heather.leson at okfn.org
Fri Jul 4 18:41:19 UTC 2014

Hi Masayuki, your note arrives at the most opportune time. The School of
Data team is meeting in Berlin as part of OKFest and School of Data Summer
Camp. We will be discussing and strategizing on topics like
localization/translation, School of Data instances and more. We want to
plan carefully and respectfully.  The plan post-event is to share that back
with this list and via the community channels.

We would be honoured to know that you used these courses.   Regarding
translating the website and modules, Michael and I are working on a plan
for this next week, which we will then field test with colleagues and
network folks.
I will add your request to the important list and followup. Our goal is to
do these activities with full community collaboration.

Thank you again for your interest and enthusiasm.


On 3 July 2014 11:04, Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at gmail.com> wrote:

> [Some time ago I sent this mail to schoolofdata at okfn.org, but get no
> reply yet.  Actually this mail doesn't contain any private
> information,  so I re-send it to this mailing list...]
> Hi!
> I'm teaching Management Information Systems at a small university in
> Japan.  I also teach an introductory computer programming & data
> visualization course using Processing, and something like "Tech &
> Journalism" course at a different unversity.
> Next year, I'll possibly have to take over another course, and I'd
> like to develop it as an introductory data analysis course using
> mostly FLOSS.
> It would be really nice if I could use School of Data courses for a
> part of my course(and possibly write & contribute new ones if not
> existed yet). My students are not fluent in English, so I need to make
> them translated into Japanese.  I can do that by myself, but there's a
> question:
> How can I translate the School of Data website?  Of course I can
> prepare my own web server and put translation to it, but I appreciate
> if I could put them on the main School of Data site.  Or at least I'd
> like to have a copy of the system behind School of Data(seems
> customized Wordpress?) and data dump.  Could you tell me the proper
> translation procedure?
> Best regards,
> MH
> --
> Masayuki Hatta
> Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
> University, Japan
> http://about.me/mhatta
> mhatta at gnu.org  / mhatta at debian.org / mhatta at opensource.jp /
> hatta.masayuki at surugadai.ac.jp
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Heather Leson, Community Engagement Director

Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*, Empowering through Open

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