[SecretContracts] identifying contracts to open, pushing at half open doors

James Hamilton james.hamilton at okfn.org
Sat Jun 21 09:34:01 UTC 2014

Do you think it would be worth asking our community of Stop Secret
Contracts signatories, what contracts in what geography we should focus our
energies? (in this stage of the campaign, or next?).

Opening up all contracts everywhere is very ambitious - and is in fact

If we were to identify 10 contracts in 10 countries whose significance was
worth of public attention, and then triage them against achievable change
(democratic government, active civil society, OGP government commitments)
we may be able to identify 3 target contracts of high public interest in 3
countries where change is achievable, which we can focus our attention on,
and achieve real change in the world.

James Hamilton

Development Director | skype: james.hamilton.okfn  | 0044(0)7772870377

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