[wsfii-discuss] Open hardware and civic info streams

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Aug 3 10:52:28 UTC 2005

Hi all,

Apart from general coordination work I am responsible for two of the 
streams at wsfii:

   1. Open Hardware
   2. Civic Information Infrastructures

I summarize their status below and have also updated the wiki.



Open Hardware

   * Speaker invites have been sent out to people and i have confirmed 
replies from 3 people (4-5 needed).
   * This is on track and will be finalized by end of August.
   * There are no plans to run a sprint the weak beforehand.
   * No money is required

Civic information infrastructures

   * Speaker invites have been sent out to people and i have confirmed 
replies from 2 people (4-5 needed).
   * This is on track and will be finalized by end of August.
   * There are no plans to run a sprint the weak beforehand.
   * No money is required

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