[wsfii-discuss] Re: Need updated blurb about the event

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Aug 4 09:43:17 UTC 2005

Saul Albert wrote:
> hi Rufus,
> I'll be working on this today - Julian Priest is also doing a WSFII day,
> so we'll work on the wiki and maybe put up a static site with precisely
> this kind of information.

Did you get a chance to do anything on the 'blurb' front? I'd like to 
get something out to people quite soon and we could also update the 
website with it.


> On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 11:20:08AM +0100, Rufus Pollock wrote:
>>Dear Saul,
>>Now that things are getting firmed up it would be worth producing 
>>another version of the WSFII blurb. This could include:
>>  1. Details of proposed panels
>>  2. Location details
>>  3. Registration details
>>  4. Other related events in the 'Oktoberfest of Openness' ;0
>>  5. Pointer to website
>>Do you think you'd have a chance to update the blurb or is someone else 
>>required? This would be particularly useful as there a bunch of lists 
>>that I would like to notify of the event.

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