[wsfii-discuss] Are we ready to announce anything?

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Mar 15 18:07:37 UTC 2005

Saul Albert wrote:
> Hi All, 
> just a note about lists... let's use this one for all organisational stuff, and
> then move to co-ord if we need to... we can all move over en-masse if and when
> we feel that this list needs to be split into discussions and coordination.
> If you want to get onto the co-ord list (empty for now - and unused) subscribe
> here: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/wsfii-coord.
> I put a holding page on wsfii.org - contributions recommended! :) I aint no
> designer.

Holding page is great - I particularly like the image - and it seems to 
contain all useful info.

> Yes! We should make the announce soon.

Second that very heavily. I am currently at ETech and have already been 
talking to various people. Thus having a firm date + confirm that we are 
going ahead would be really useful (even if we haven't drafted the invite).

> I really think 1st / 2nd Oct would be best.. it's a good time for london -
> everyone's over the mid-summer sloth and things are moving again.

That is a good date and better than mid-sept I think. Are we going for a 
whole week, 2 days or ....

> I reckon WSFII prepcon is mor eor less clear and more or less descriptive. It
> might also be good to have a strapline that includes info about India / LonBer
> Freifunk etc.. with props to all.

> The location, I'm still hoping should be around London's South Bank - in the
> Momi, but I still need to get in touch with Eddie Berg, the guy who is running
> the British Film Institute's museum of moving image to see if he'll let us use
> it.
> I totally agree with armin, this should be big - and proper, and not funded by
> the usual suspects, or done scrappily.

Agree completely and we appear to have sufficient organiziational 
capacity. As you say the next steps are:

1. Produce invite and finalize date
2. RFP (Request for Presentations) + brainstorm for specific talks and 



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