[wsfii-discuss] Re: More on maps -was- Re: [Community] Worldwide Map of wireless communities ?

michel memeteau mmemeteau at marseille-wireless.org
Thu Jul 13 08:47:56 UTC 2006

Hi all , For sure Guifi could become a central point to get a global view of
worlwide wireless networks.
 But I guess we could maybe go for a simple MAP hosted on freenetworks , that
would give all the pin points and their status, and then redirect to the
mapping system of the community. Then Each community is free to use whatever,
but the important point is that their mapping system give a way to "syndicate"
their nodes including the node status ( UP, down, unknow ) 

like ramon has started to explain on 


SO , what I thought was a simple MAP on http://map.freenetworks.org

I could create it using : 


But is it the right way ? Who is runing Freenetworks.org ? Is this website
visited a lot compared to Red libre , athen or other Meta sites ? 

On this MAP , i would see 

- only free ( gratis ) and open networks ( could be without internet ) . 

- A simple fill-in form, giving an email address, giving your map website , and
your XML nodes URL ( like the wifidog ones , but other formats could be used
like the ones from Guifi , athens etc ...) . 

Then we could Sum up all the nodes of the world and we would see that we don't
need " closed communities" like F** to build paying hotspots .... 

We shall give a try in the next few weeks I guess, on

This is a very short and simplistic answer to your long email Ramon , I'll try
to go deeply...

Last question : was would be right now the central directory of wireless
communities ? 


or http://freenetworks.org ? 

other meta sites ?  is there a database where all this data are present ? 

Example : could be a good thing to have at least on Guy of each community
subscribed to this list... ( community at freenetworks.org )

Cheers all ... 

Selon Ramon Roca <ramon.roca at guifi.net>:

> Hi michel, (and everybody)
> Not so far from you, at guifi.net, we have recently developed a new map 
> services for meet out growing requirements and scalability, 100% based 
> on open source and free public resources (mapserver, public maps, etc). 
> I'm pleased to use this reply to announce it here, and also post to the 
> WSFII list (sorry).
> You can see it live at http://maps.guifi.net
> We've built it in a way that can be used worldwide, people just have to 
> find our their local map sources and add them, i.e. if you drill down 
> into catalonia, you'll get ortophoto details up to 5K resolution.. . 
> data is feeded also in open xml formats (in our case, extracted from our 
> drupal module application, you can see our database at 
> http://guifi.net/guifi_zones ).
> To give an example, here is my node:
> We did in that way instead of Google maps because of several reasons. 
> Mapserver is opensource, google currently does not provide this level of 
> details in our rural areas, where our network is most developed, google 
> javascripts may suck on zones with hundreds of nodes like ours, and 
> requires an agreement where they talk about some undefined "reserved 
> rights". Not to mention that Google is somewhat involved in that 
> "mouvement".
> 100% agree on you pints. IMHO I do think that worldwide free network 
> infrastructures lacks of a global view (or I'm not aware of it, sorry if 
> I do miss something relevant). Many other databases you just don't know 
> about what really they are about...
> To allow interoperability between every community way of 
> storing/managing their network information, and still be able to 
> aggregate information, we are developing what we call "nodexchange" 
> format. This map application already implements some of the nodexchange 
> features.
> We have those maps available to everybody on a svn, and at guifi.net 
> we'll be very happy to help in porting this to other sites, or include 
> more local maps resources from other countries or regions (currently 
> only Catalonia, Spain and US)...
> We just ask to any potential adopter to be a truly communtity style free 
> network, we are using our version of the Wireless Commons, but anything 
> similar like picopeer agreements etc will be ok,  we just want to avoid 
> to get listed by some speculative "mouvements" which we do still don't 
> know what they really build and in which terms. I'm sure that everybody 
> understands.
> Cheers to everybody,
> Ramon Roca.
> En/na michel memeteau ha escrit:
> >Hi , I'm new to this list but it's been few months I discovered
> freenetworks.org
> >and I hope it's gonna become a wordwide movement taking over commercial
> pseudo
> >"mouvement " ( do you see who I'm talking about ?) 
> >
> >
> >I wanted to know if there is already a map for finding Worldwide communities
> >
> >We started one with france 
> >
> >http://carte.wireless-fr.org/
> >
> >And right now the datas are in a XML file 
> >
> >
> >http://carte.wireless-fr.org/assoce_status.xml
> >
> >But this could be in a SQL Database .... 
> >
> >
> >I always thought freenetworks.org was the place for this kind of map, even
> >another map with worldwide internet-providing  active access points ( using
> >Wifidog for example ) would show people we don't need commercial mouvement
> ...
> >
> >
> >
> >Let me know what you think about mapping and if this has already been done
> ...
> >
> >cheers 
> >
> >  
> >

Michel memeteau
sip:17476005010 at proxy01.sipphone.com
jabber : freechelmi at jabber.fr

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