[wsfii-discuss] Re: More on maps -was- Re: [Community] Worldwide Map of wireless communities ?

Ken DiPietro ken at new-isp.net
Thu Jul 13 09:23:13 UTC 2006

To all,

I believe one of the principal architects in the FreeNetworks.org 
resource is Matt Westervelt (of SeattleWireless fame) and I have cc'ed 
this email to him. We can see where that takes us and whether he will 
join this discussion.


Ken DiPietro

michel memeteau wrote:
> Hi all , For sure Guifi could become a central point to get a global view of
> worlwide wireless networks.
>  But I guess we could maybe go for a simple MAP hosted on freenetworks , that
> would give all the pin points and their status, and then redirect to the
> mapping system of the community. Then Each community is free to use whatever,
> but the important point is that their mapping system give a way to "syndicate"
> their nodes including the node status ( UP, down, unknow ) 
> like ramon has started to explain on 
> http://summit.airjaldi.com/wiki/index.php/SNP_Architecture
> SO , what I thought was a simple MAP on http://map.freenetworks.org
> I could create it using : 
> http://anomoly.freenetworks.org/__fnorg/signup.php
> But is it the right way ? Who is runing Freenetworks.org ? Is this website
> visited a lot compared to Red libre , athen or other Meta sites ? 
> On this MAP , i would see 
> - only free ( gratis ) and open networks ( could be without internet ) . 
> - A simple fill-in form, giving an email address, giving your map website , and
> your XML nodes URL ( like the wifidog ones , but other formats could be used
> like the ones from Guifi , athens etc ...) . 
> Then we could Sum up all the nodes of the world and we would see that we don't
> need " closed communities" like F** to build paying hotspots .... 
> We shall give a try in the next few weeks I guess, on
> http://carte.wireless-fr.org
> This is a very short and simplistic answer to your long email Ramon , I'll try
> to go deeply...
> Last question : was would be right now the central directory of wireless
> communities ? 
> http://wiki.personaltelco.net/index.cgi/WirelessCommunities
> or http://freenetworks.org ? 
> other meta sites ?  is there a database where all this data are present ? 
> Example : could be a good thing to have at least on Guy of each community
> subscribed to this list... ( community at freenetworks.org )
> Cheers all ... 
> Selon Ramon Roca <ramon.roca at guifi.net>:
>> Hi michel, (and everybody)
>> Not so far from you, at guifi.net, we have recently developed a new map 
>> services for meet out growing requirements and scalability, 100% based 
>> on open source and free public resources (mapserver, public maps, etc). 
>> I'm pleased to use this reply to announce it here, and also post to the 
>> WSFII list (sorry).
>> You can see it live at http://maps.guifi.net
>> We've built it in a way that can be used worldwide, people just have to 
>> find our their local map sources and add them, i.e. if you drill down 
>> into catalonia, you'll get ortophoto details up to 5K resolution.. . 
>> data is feeded also in open xml formats (in our case, extracted from our 
>> drupal module application, you can see our database at 
>> http://guifi.net/guifi_zones ).
>> To give an example, here is my node:
> http://maps.guifi.net/world.phtml?Pointer=Y&local_maps=Y&Supernodes=Y&NodesAP=Y&NodesClient=Y&NodesProjected=Y&LinksWDS=Y&LinksClient=Y&LinksOffline=Y&Lang=ca&ViewRegion=Veure+directament&minx=2.165619&miny=41.908991&maxx=2.301663&maxy=42.011024&imagewidth=600&imageheight=450&mainmap.x=323&mainmap.y=169&CMD=ZOOM_IN&KEYMAPXSIZE=120&KEYMAPYSIZE=90&kminx=0.127079&kminy=40.465125&kmaxx=3.371953&kmaxy=42.898781&MapSize=600%2C450&CMD=ZOOM_IN&PREVIOUS_MODE=1
>> We did in that way instead of Google maps because of several reasons. 
>> Mapserver is opensource, google currently does not provide this level of 
>> details in our rural areas, where our network is most developed, google 
>> javascripts may suck on zones with hundreds of nodes like ours, and 
>> requires an agreement where they talk about some undefined "reserved 
>> rights". Not to mention that Google is somewhat involved in that 
>> "mouvement".
>> 100% agree on you pints. IMHO I do think that worldwide free network 
>> infrastructures lacks of a global view (or I'm not aware of it, sorry if 
>> I do miss something relevant). Many other databases you just don't know 
>> about what really they are about...
>> To allow interoperability between every community way of 
>> storing/managing their network information, and still be able to 
>> aggregate information, we are developing what we call "nodexchange" 
>> format. This map application already implements some of the nodexchange 
>> features.
>> We have those maps available to everybody on a svn, and at guifi.net 
>> we'll be very happy to help in porting this to other sites, or include 
>> more local maps resources from other countries or regions (currently 
>> only Catalonia, Spain and US)...
>> We just ask to any potential adopter to be a truly communtity style free 
>> network, we are using our version of the Wireless Commons, but anything 
>> similar like picopeer agreements etc will be ok,  we just want to avoid 
>> to get listed by some speculative "mouvements" which we do still don't 
>> know what they really build and in which terms. I'm sure that everybody 
>> understands.
>> Cheers to everybody,
>> Ramon Roca.
>> En/na michel memeteau ha escrit:
>>> Hi , I'm new to this list but it's been few months I discovered
>> freenetworks.org
>>> and I hope it's gonna become a wordwide movement taking over commercial
>> pseudo
>>> "mouvement " ( do you see who I'm talking about ?) 
>>> I wanted to know if there is already a map for finding Worldwide communities
>>> We started one with france 
>>> http://carte.wireless-fr.org/
>>> And right now the datas are in a XML file 
>>> http://carte.wireless-fr.org/assoce_status.xml
>>> But this could be in a SQL Database .... 
>>> I always thought freenetworks.org was the place for this kind of map, even
>>> another map with worldwide internet-providing  active access points ( using
>>> Wifidog for example ) would show people we don't need commercial mouvement
>> ...
>>> Let me know what you think about mapping and if this has already been done
>> ...
>>> cheers 

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