[wsfii-discuss] Re: More on maps -was- Re: [Community]WorldwideMap of wireless communities ?

gil forcada gilforcada at guifi.net
Mon Jul 17 13:47:10 UTC 2006

hi jo and all around here,

in guifi.net we have this (I think ramon have told about it)

the source code of this is in our svn ( http://svn.guifi.net/viewcvs/
folder guifimaps)

maybe some comments are in catalan, but I think all the functions and
stuff like this (the code to be more clear) it's all in english

I don't know if our maps are useful for your purpose, maybe the best is
the ability to catch all the nodes in a xml-based format (GML) for example

excuse if I repeat like a parrot all that ramon maybe have said already


en/na Jo Walsh va dir:
> dear all,
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 06:12:56PM +0200, Juergen Neumann wrote:
>> >  But I guess we could maybe go for a simple MAP hosted on freenetworks
>> > http://summit.airjaldi.com/wiki/index.php/SNP_Architecture
>> I think Jo from London has already had some very interesting ideas on
>> that issue. I would very much appreciate to have some kind of meta data
>> exchange format that we could all use to map information where ever we
>> want.
> I attempted to set out some of my past thoughts / experiences with
> wireless network mapping, and the work that Saul and i did last year:
> http://frot.org/devlog/2006/07/16/the-state-of-wireless-mapping/
> I'd love to get feedback on this, and hope to go 'back to basics' on
> wirelesslondon's overstretched codebase and build things specifically
> directed towards working with others' projects (hi, Mike!)
> I've heard that NYCWireless have been commissioned to do a
> netstumbling survey, that could fit in pretty well with a
> resuscitation of Drew's wifimaps project, and look forward to hearing
> more about that, too. :)
> cheers,
> jo
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gil forcada

guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
guifi.net - a non-stopping free network

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