[wsfii-discuss] Trainerspot Webinars: A Potential tool tospread wsfii ideas to Africa and Developing World

Charles Wyble charles at thewybles.com
Thu Jan 15 18:34:11 UTC 2009

This is fantastic!

Thank you for sharing.

Would love to hear more about a "virtual school" effort with this for sure.

Juergen Neumann wrote:
> Vicram wrote:
>> My point is that a more integrative application for
>> learning is necessary - all these discrete media, such
>> as email, telephony, videomail etc, and the
>> integrative apps like netmeeting and so on are not
>> good enough for the kind of real world learning that
>> should be a reason for pushing the new world
>> technologies forward in the first place.
> I have been supporting an interesting and imho more holistic software project named deepamehta - like the Indian film maker. The software is not really ready to be fully used yet, but I think it points into the right direction. It's a fully functional and programmable application server framework - all based on a graphical semantic desktop. 
> In the first view deepamehta looks quite like mind manager or other simple mapping tools. But the concept of deepamehta goes way beyond mind manager and alikes. It's worthwhile reading a bit into the concepts (see the white paper).
> Maybe those of you who are interested want to have a look at this free and open source software - all written in Java. I know that they are still looking for people to help them to get it finished. Not that much is missing anymore - from what I know.
> Please check: http://www.deepamehta.de - it's (almost) all in English.
> As far as I know some people had already started to build a "virtual school" based on the deepamehta framework for Ghana. I could dig deeper into that if anyone want's me too.
> Kindly
> JuergeN
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Charles N Wyble charles at thewybles.com
(818)280-7059 http://charlesnw.blogspot.com
CTO SocalWiFI.net

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