[wsfii-discuss] [TIER] The alternative Internet, WiFi based (Project Kleinrock)

Alexander List alex at list.priv.at
Thu Jul 21 03:26:06 UTC 2011

On 07/20/2011 07:56 PM, Chris Wilson wrote:
> Related to this, I've been asked to comment about a proposed project to
> create a free, open source, open hardware, country-wide wireless network
> infrastructure in Madagascar using FabFi.
> Does anyone have any thoughts about the feasibility of this (my gut
> feeling is "infeasible"), know of anyone who has succeeded or failed in
> any such project before, or have any thoughts about or experience with
> FabFi?

I understand the desire to recycle materials from the dumpster to make 
antennas, or at least reflectors. It's cheap, in particular if labor 
cost is not an issue.

However, your mileage may vary:

a) you have no idea of the gain and radiation pattern of such an antenna
b) you might actually reduce the possible coverage area more than necessary
c) you might - at least in the long term - do damage to your transmitter 
due to bad SWR
d) in some countries, you're only allowed to use antennas that have been 
designated by the equipment manufacturer to be compatible with his 
equipment. However, in practice, authorities won't complain as long as 
you stay within the power limits. But that's hard to prove/argue if you 
don't even know your antenna gain from a datasheet...

I suggest that whenever you can afford real antennas, use real antennas 
that are reasonably priced. Actually, I'm interested in useful suppliers 
e.g. from China myself and I'm more than willing to go shopping e.g. to 

However, I like the idea of open source / creative commons licensed 
building instructions for antennas that can be made using materials from 
the next hardware store. But the antenna should be designed by someone 
who is experienced in antenna design and knows what she's doing...

Just my 5c from Hong Kong


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