[Ckan-users] Problem with data store

Mikel Egaña Aranguren mikel.egana.aranguren at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 14:38:47 UTC 2015


I'm installing CKAN 2.3 in a Virtual Box runing on Windows (:-/), with
Ubuntu 12 LTS Server. I' having trouble when installing the datastore, both
installing from the package and from the sources.

The CKAN installation goes smoothly and CKAN works fine, but when I install
the datastore and I try to upload a file, I receive "An internal server
error occurred".

The API works seems to work (1) so I don't have a clue of what's going on.
Any ideas?

Also, where can I explore the logs when executing CKAN via paster?




{"help": "",
"success": true, "result": {"resource_id": "_table_metadata", "fields":
[{"type": "text", "id": "_id"}, {"type": "name", "id": "name"},
{"type": "oid", "id": "oid"}, {"type": "name", "id": "alias_of"}],
"records": [{"_id": "1fab8662e5772995", "alias_of": "pg_views",
"name": "_table_metadata",
"oid": 18083}, {"_id": "21b5fe766665b205", "alias_of": "pg_tables",
"name": "_table_metadata",
"oid": 18083}], "_links": {"start":
"/api/3/action/datastore_search?resource_id=_table_metadata", "next":
"total": 2}}

Mikel Egaña Aranguren, Ph.D.

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