FW: [Open-data-census] The 2013 Open Data Census submission and review is ready to go!
Ovidiu Voicu
ovoicu la soros.ro
Joi Sep 26 11:51:49 UTC 2013
OKFN pregateste editia 2013 a Open Data Census. Putem sa contribuim cu date
despre Romania folosind link-urile de mai jos.
From: open-data-census-bounces la lists.okfn.org
[mailto:open-data-census-bounces la lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Christian
Sent: 25 septembrie 2013 19:46
To: open-data-census
Subject: [Open-data-census] The 2013 Open Data Census submission and review
is ready to go!
Hi All,
Exciting news: The new Census submission and review system is ready to go!
We now need your help with:
* Everyone: Contributing new entries where information is missing
* Editors: Reviewing submissions
To start contributing and reviewing please visit this page which has
detailed instructions (also inlined below):
Our target is to have done a first pass of both new submissions and initial
reviewing by Wednesday next week (October 2).
If you have any questions or issues please let us know!
- Christian & Ton
Where it says "list below" refer to the list at
<http://staging.census.okfn.org/country/> How do I submit new information?
Anyone can submit new information to the Census.
1. Select your country in the list below and click on it.
2. You are now on the Country overview page for that country
3. Click the blue "Submit Information" button on the right next to the
appropriate category.
4. Fill the form based on the data set you have found (there are detailed
instructions on the page).
5. Click Submit. Your submission is now waiting for review, and will be
visible in the table as 'awaiting review' after a few minutes.
<http://staging.census.okfn.org/country/> How do I review submissions?
Only Census Country Editors can review submissions. If you'd like to become
an editor, email the Census team on census la okfn.org <mailto:census la okfn.org>
1. Select your country in the list below
2. On your Country overview page, see if there are any pending
submissions (items with Review Now next to them!)
a. If no pending submissions there is nothing to do! All done!
3. Click Review Now on a pending submission
. You will be prompted to log in if you are not logged in
a. To review, you need to sign up to become a Country Editor - do so by
sending an email to the Census team on census la okfn.org
<mailto:census la okfn.org>
4. You will be taken to the review page where there will be instructions
. Remember you can edit the submission - and incorporate material from
the current entry (if there is one). Comments can be particularly valuable,
so consider merging old and new comments.
5. Publish or Reject
. If submission is incorrect or lower quality than existing entry,
click Reject.
a. If submission is better than existing entry click Publish. Note that
if you choose to publish the submission you are reviewing, it will overwrite
the old submission entirely! So think carefully whether you need to merge
any content first.
b. Note that you might need to refresh the site to see the greyed-out
queued entry you've just processed disappear.
<http://staging.census.okfn.org/country/> How do I propose a change to an
existing entry?
1. <http://staging.census.okfn.org/country/> Go to the correct country
by clicking it.
2. On the Country overview page, click the blue "Submit Information"
button on the right next to the appropriate category.
3. Fill in the form based on the changes you want to make to the existing
4. Click Submit. Your submission is now waiting for review, and will be
visible in the table as 'awaiting review' after a few minutes.
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