[kforge-dev] release download page?

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftwarefoundation.org
Fri Dec 16 12:43:28 UTC 2005

Where are we going to present the release? Shall we create a Download 
wiki page?

I thought we might want a mixture of:




The main thing is to have a fixed place where the latest release can 
always be found.

Anyway, as outstanding problems (esp. trac plugin) have been fixed, I'm 
testing everything as thouroughly as I can today.

Regarding TracProject domain object, I added a Boolean attribute call 
isEnvironmentInitialised, which checked within the plugin's 
onServiceUpdate handler, and set when TracProjectCreate command succeedes.

Additioanlly, I've added a kforge.test.all test suite, which gathers 
together kforge.test, kforge.kuitest (requires Apache), 
kforge.plugin.svntest (requires Subversion), and kforge.plugin.trac.test 
(requires Trac).


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