[kforge-dev] plugin system overview

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Oct 18 18:50:29 UTC 2005

              DOMAIN OBJECTS                      |      PLUGIN SYSTEM
              +------------+                      |
     +----- |>|DomainObject|<|----------+         |
     |        +------------+            |         |
     |         A    A                   |         |
     |     _.--'    |                   |         |
     |     |  +-----------+   +----------------+  |  +------------------+
     |     |  |  Service  |   |     Plugin     |  |  |      Plugin      |
     |     |  |-----------|   |  (dom.Plugin)  |  |  |  plugin.Plugin   |
+-------+ |  |name:    xx|   |----------------|  |  |------------------|
|Project|--<>|project: yy|   |    name: zz    |<----|getDomainObject():|
+-------+ |  |plugin:  zz|<>-|  getSystem():  |  |  |    dom.Plugin    |
           |  +-----------+   |plugin.zz.Plugin|-+|  +------------------+
           |                  +----------------+ ||              A
           |                                     ||              |
           |                                     ||              |
           |                                     ||   +-----------------+
           |                                     +--->|     Plugin      |
+---------+         +-----------------+          |   |plugin.zz.Plugin |
|ZzProject|*       1|ZzProjectRegister|          |   |-----------------|
|---------|---------|-----------------|------------<>|    register:    |
|         |         |                 |          |   |ZzProjectRegister|
+---------+         +-----------------+          |   +-----------------+
                         |                        |
                         |                        |
      PERSISTENCE        |                        |
         LAYER           |                        |
      (kforge.db)        |
                         V  Database/Flat File/...
                    (         )
                    |         |


1. For brevity many of the class names above have kforge missing at the 
front. For example dom.plugin should be kforge.dom.plugin.

2. The above shows a complex setup where a plugin needs to persist data 
of its own. This is the situation, for example, for the trac plugin 
which needs to remember which subversion repository it is using. In 
simpler plugins (for example svn) this is not needed and in that case 
the lower two items on the left of the figure (ZzProject and 
ZzProjectRegister) will not exist.

3. For a higher level overview of the kforge system see:

4. How to create a plugin:
   1. Create Plugin class for your plugin:
     1. a file <pluginname>.py (and corresponding test case) in 
kforge/plugin directory. Easiest way is to copy and paste example.py
     2. define class Plugin in your new plugin file inheriting from 
kforge.plugin.Plugin. Override whatever event handlers you need to
     3. Run tests
   2. Now create plugin instance in kforge system by running:
     bin/kforge-admin create plugin <plugin-name>

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