[kforge-dev] http auth

Tristan Rivoallan trivoallan at clever-age.com
Wed Apr 25 09:25:18 UTC 2007


i discovered kforge yesterday and it is definitely what my company needs to
manage projects (we already have a trac farm, along with some python utils
for easy deployment).

Instead of continuing developing our homebrew solution, i would prefer to
contribute to kforge.

The critical bit we need and that i could not find in kforge is ldap auth.

Is it possible to manage authentification using http auth, while delegating
perms and prefs management to kforge (as in trac) ?

All i found on the subject is this thread :

i still does not understand where the SystemAccessControl class can be found

I would be happy to code that and contribute it back to the project, but
some pointers would help.

thanks in advance,

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