[kforge-dev] KForge Routes issues

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Wed Apr 15 13:13:27 UTC 2009

Hi Rufus,

I'm sorry I can't remember the exact exception. I just remember that
tests fail when it's hooked up to Routes 1.9 series, so it shouldn't be
so hard to work it out. Just run the KForge unit tests, but variously
with Routes 1.9.x installed? I'd point you to the buildbot log, but it
got lost when the disk failed, and I haven't resurrected our buildbot yet.

Best wishes,


PS I noticed that markdown 2.0 is out, but it breaks KForge/domainmodel.

PPS There are some domainmodel changes which were packed in the tar.gz
but not yet checked in. So you'll be missing these on knowledgeforge.net
given you're running it from trunk. I checked them in just now though.

Rufus Pollock wrote:
> What exactly is the failure? I could take a look at routing around the
> problem ...
> Rufus
> 2009/4/15 John Bywater <john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net>:
>> Hi Rufus,
>> Just wonderin' whether or not you're planning to fix the KForge code for
>> the Routes issues mentioned below? If not, I could have a go.
>> Best wishes,
>> John.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [kforge-dev] Debian packages
>> Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 23:22:54 +0000
>> From: John Bywater <john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net>
>> To: Martin Fuzzey <mfuzzey at gmail.com>
>> References:
>> <ba4215e10803121659t76d4e0fdif3abb22e9fd902d3 at mail.gmail.com>
>> <49CA53A5.90806 at appropriatesoftware.net>
>> <ba4215e10903260304l1902d6f3sbcea2fd6c35bb415 at mail.gmail.com>
>> Hey Martin,
>> Thanks for your reply. Would be nice to have it in the Debian distribution.
>> Thanks for your considerations of the packaging issues. I would be
>> interested to make a list of the potential security issues.
>> Lenny ships Routes 1.9.2, but KForge still has an issue with it. I've got
>> some tests to deploy and test KForge with a range of versions of its
>> dependencies. I found that:
>> KForge's unit tests pass with these version of Routes:
>> 1.10.3
>> 1.10.2
>> 1.10.1
>> 1.8
>> 1.7.3
>> 1.7.2
>> KForge's unit tests fail with these version of Routes:
>> 1.9.2
>> 1.9.1
>> 1.9
>> 1.7
>> 1.7.1
>> I don't care about the early versions of 1.7, but the 1.9 series is
>> important. Intersting that it works with 1.10 and 1.8 but not with 1.9. I'm
>> sure we can sort it out...
>> I'll also have to get back to you about the upgrade routine!
>> Best wishes,
>> John.

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