[MyData & Open Data] Issues to be addressed at workshop

Sally Deffor sally.deffor at okfn.org
Tue Apr 8 08:28:02 UTC 2014

Hi all,

As discussed earlier on the list, we are currently working on developing
the agenda items, participant list and most  importantly, a summary of the
key issues relevant to personal data and privacy to be considered at the
June workshop. This has been included on an information sheet
This is a living document which would be revised and expanded  upon until
the event takes place. It would be helpful if list members could  include
comments, edits etc. where they you see fit so that all key items are
covered to the extent possible.




*Sally DefforOpen Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
| @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 The **Open Knowledge

*Empowering through Open Knowledge**http://www.okfn.org*<http://www.okfn.org/>*
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