[MyData & Open Data] UK data-sharing -- Discussion paper published

Sam Smith s at msmith.net
Thu Apr 10 10:56:12 UTC 2014

Given a bunch of people on this list are in the UK, there's a set of civil society organisations and Government departments having some initial conversations around data sharing, and what the frameworks and powers should be.

Note, that this is explicitly not data that can be published as open data, but is identifiable data used for defined and legitimate purposes; and the project is the discussion of what "defined, legitimate purposes" actually are, and conversations around that. Giving data back to the individuals who it is about (ie electronic subject access requests) are not in scope for that group (other than everyone agreeing that they're a good idea).

The link for the discussion document is here: http://datasharing.org.uk/current-proposals/ and a mailing list you can join if you're interested in UK-centric prospective discussions.

A number of people on the list are part of the group, and I suspect we'd all be happy to feed stuff back in for those who don't want to be part of that list (and early morning meetings in Whitehall[1]), but who are interested in broader aspects.


[1] and sometimes all 3 parts of that are disagreeable :)
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