[MyData & Open Data] Blog post on privacy in open data

Sally Deffor sally.deffor at okfn.org
Tue Apr 29 11:04:05 UTC 2014

In our latest blog
which highlights the need for the London stakeholder workshop, we discuss
some of the issues that come with the open data and personal data
environment, in particular the risks surrounding some anomymization
mechanisms, and also personal control of my data as discussed at at the
Open Knowledge Finland workshop earlier this month.



*Sally DefforOpen Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
| @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 The **Open Knowledge

*Empowering through Open Knowledge**http://www.okfn.org*<http://www.okfn.org/>*
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| **Blog* <http://blog.okfn.org/>* |
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