[MyData & Open Data] existing legal frameworks of biometrics

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Sat Apr 5 19:50:26 UTC 2014

On 05/04/2014 21:29, Song, Stephen wrote:

> Is it not possible for aggregated data to have personal implications?
>  What if, for example, your aggregated data contains geo-location data
> about marginalised ethnic groups, age groups, etc?  Not only is it
> arguable that these groups deserve a voice in how public this data is
> made but it is also the kind of information that data-brokers can use to
> refine their existing datasets.  

Yes and no. My power bill is aggregated data, it only has my aggregated
power usage over a year offset with the advances I've paid my power
company. But that is not how it typically is used. It is more like 'all
Askhenazi Jews have this specific marker on their mitochondrial DNA'.

The latter isn't personal data, my power bill is. The average power
usage in my postal code probably is not personal data, but aggregate data.



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