[MyData & Open Data] New resource | Personal Data and Privacy Working Group

Alessandro Carelli A.Carelli at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Dec 9 18:46:07 UTC 2014

Dear Personal Data and Privacy Working Group,

I recently joined your newsletter and I would like to raise your attention to the following research founded by the EU commission: Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Society (IRISS) Project.<http://irissproject.eu/>

The project will 'focus on the observable effects and everyday understanding of surveillance in contemporary Europe' in order to ' explore options for increasing social, economic and institutional resilience'.

I particularly found interesting the Work package 5 – Exercising democratic rights under surveillance regimes<http://irissproject.eu/?page_id=9>, in which researchers have formally asked to183 organizations in 10 countries to disclose their own PD in order to 'test how easy or difficult it is for citizens to assert their rights'.

'The research found that obtaining a satisfactory response concerning all aspects of the requests was a relatively rare occurrence.

  *   Four out-of ten requests(43%)did not result in personal data being disclosed or data subjects receiving a legitimate reason for the failure to disclose their personal data.

  *   In over half of all cases (56%), no adequate or legally compliant response was received concerning third party data sharing.

  *   In over two-thirds of cases (71%)automated decision making processes were either not addressed or not addressed in a legally compliant manner.'

I hope this can help the conversation.

Best regards and I look forward to keep in touch with you soon,


Alessandro Carelli

Ph.D student
Loughborough Design School, LDS 1.23
Loughborough University, LE11 3TU, UK

T. +39 3484934348 (it)
T. +44 07835121810 (uk)
Skype: alessandrocarelli
Linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/alessandro-carelli/57/768/728> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/inf_overload>

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