[od-discuss] continued revision of the definition

Mike Linksvayer ml at gondwanaland.com
Sun Oct 27 07:09:48 UTC 2013

Some edits, pushed to
commit comments:

add recommendations for open licenses section to begin to capture
other reasons for not liking licenses that probably don't make them
non-open, but unhelpful to open ecosystem...
rm package …
rearrange terminology slightly; start by saying what the document is/does
kept terminology at top as "license" and "work" are not terms casual
reader should be expected to have good intution about
minor wording changes from 1.2dev, including "Open Definition"; formatting

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Luis Villa <luis at lu.is> wrote:
> POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTION FOR SOMEONE: We probably need to go through the
> various emails in my TODO to create a master list of all new suggestions
> that have been made for new permissions/restrictions, and making sure they
> all fit into this scheme - I have not had time to do that.

I net added to TODOs. Master list still needed.

> My only quibble is with your last comment in the definition about the AC's
> discretion on new conditions. My experience is that authors are very
> creative in finding new ways to restrict the mandatory rights/permissions,
> and so the AC needs discretion to say "this is a new, creative, but still
> wrong restriction". I would agree that the AC probably should not have
> discretion to say "this is a new, creative, and *acceptable* restriction" -
> we should only be able to say no, not yes.

Relation to AC and conformance approval is going to be the hard part.
Should the definition speak to these directly at all? I added sketch
of a recommendations for open licenses section, which might be able to
capture some of the non-restrictions which were in the TODO section
(non-reusable because named organization or jurisdiction) and
mentioned on-list (eg compatibility).

Should this be a minimal definition, which OD 1.1 is, or also help
guide only licenses that are good for the ecosystem to approval and


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