[od-discuss] Open Definition 2.0 Announcement Blogs and Lists

Herb Lainchbury herb at dynamic-solutions.com
Fri Sep 26 17:12:03 UTC 2014

Hello All,

We're preparing to officially launch OD 2.0 this week.  We have a press
release and a blog post suitable for guest blogs almost ready to go.
Thank you to all those who collaborated on those documents.

Please look at the following list of blogs and mailing lists that we would
like to engage with to feature a blog post or list announcement about the
new version of the Open Definition.

If your name is beside the list in square brackets, you've been tagged as a
possible liaison to engage that blog/list.  Please confirm that you're okay
to do that or not.  If there is a blog/list with no name beside it and you
think you can help, please reply and let us know.  If you know of any other
blogs/lists that you think we should engage then please let us know that as
well in your on list reply.

 * [Rufus + other OK folks] Open Knowledge lists including okfn-discuss,
open-government, …

 * [tvol] CC lists (licenses, community, perhaps Open Policy Network)

 * [Luis] OSI

 * [Luis] Wikipedia/wikimedia

 * [??] OGP lists - especially Open Data working group

 * [Rufus] Sunlight Foundation

 * [??] Code for America

 * [tvol] LAPSI group, COMMUNIA

 * [Andrew?] World Bank

 * [Andrew] OPSI (Office Public Sector Info)

 * [Andrew?] LinkedIn Group(s)?

 * [Andrew] Future Gov Asia

 * [tvol] US Gov - OSTP / 18F (alert people from

 * [Herb] Govt of Canada Blog

 * [Herb] Govt of BC (DataBC) Blog

 * [Herb] OpenDataBC List / Blog
 * [Herb] DataLibre Blog / CivicAccess List

Please provide feedback no later than end of day Tuesday September 30th
(next week).

Thank you for your help!


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