[ok-scotland] Reminder: #OpenDataEDB at Scottish Parliament, Thursday 10th July

Ewan Klein ewan.klein at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 09:09:40 UTC 2014

Just a reminder that tonight's #OpenDataEDB meet-up will be at the Scottish Parliament, 6.00 pm.

You should enter the Scottish Parliament through the Public Entrance on Horse Wynd. As the meet-up is being held after business hours during recess, there may not be anyone at the entrance—in this case, please use the intercom and a member of the security team will open the door for you. Please note that you will have to pass through airport-style security screening. so allow extra time for this. After screening, please pick up a visitor pass from the Security Desk. Jaclyn Kaye or Claire Turnbull will then guide you to the meeting room. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jaclyn Kaye at jaclyn.kaye at scottish.parliament.uk. 

Very felicitously, the Scottish Parliament has today officially published their brand new Open Data page! See http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/opendata

Tonight's speaker schedule:

 	• Jaclyn Kaye - Launch of the Scottish Parliament’s New Open Data Page
 	• Chris Yiu - Opening up third sector data in Scotland 
	• Emila Hanna - Air pollution and Open Data
	• Alison King - RDFIO: Importing linked data into Semantic MediaWiki
	• Alistair Sloan - FOI: the beginning or the end of Open Knowledge?
	• David Morrison - Code for Europe: Building Things with Local Government Data

Please register at http://www.meetup.com/OpenKnowledgeFoundation/Edinburgh-GB/1154262/

Open Knowledge Scotland meet-ups are friendly and informal evenings for people to get together to share and argue all areas of openness. Come and join discussions around open knowledge and open data -- from politics and philosophy to practicalities of theory and practice. Information about our past meet-ups can be found at http://scot.okfn.org.

To receive future announcements, please subscribe to the Open Knowledge Scotland mailing list:


Ewan Klein
Open Knowledge Ambassador for Scotland
Skype:  ewan.h.klein |  @ewanhklein
http://scot.okfn.org/  |  @okfnscot

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