[open-data-day] Open Data Day Twitter hashtag: #opendataday (or #ODHD13?)

Amy G rhiaro at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 17:08:14 GMT 2013

Hi all,

For introductions sake, I'm a PhD student helping to organise Edinburgh's
Open Data Day event, more details of which will follow soon.

I just thought I'd chip in to say I prefer #opendataday, mostly because our
event isn't a hack day, so the extra H might confuse some folk. Well,
perhaps ours is 'social hacking', but there might be people in the audience
who aren't associating what we're doing with hacking at this stage.

It would be simple enough to have some central page (maybe we could make a
custom tweet wall for everyone to use) that aggregates all relevant
hashtags and mentions for easy reference.

On 8 Feb 2013 16:40, "Billy Meinke" <billy.meinke at creativecommons.org>

> Hi Beatrice,
> Great to get your input on effective an effective hash tag for Open Data
> Day.  I'm a little concerned that many folks have already adopted #ODHD13
> as the preferred hash tag, and that a change may be best implemented with
> consensus between all the hackathon organizers.  I'm all for
> easy-to-remember has tags and marking, so maybe using both when tagging
> tweets and posts is a way to keep things simple and understandable at this
> point.
> Thoughts from others on the list are welcome.
> Billy
> On Friday, February 8, 2013, Beatrice Martini wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My name is Beatrice, and I'm the Events Coordinator at the Open Knowledge
>> Foundation, which is – among other things – coordinating Open Data Day.
>> We noticed that there are different opinions about the right Twitter
>> hashtag to be used re Open Data Day and think that would be great if could
>> all agree on the same one (and tweet massively!)
>> Instead of using acronyms which might be a bit too tricky to remember,
>> how about going for *#opendataday*? Easy to remember and everybody (even
>> people who don't know about the event) would understand what we're talking
>> about (and learn about it from your tweet!).
>> Best,
>> Beatrice
>> --
>> Beatrice Martini
>> Events Coordinator
>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>> Skype: beatricemartini
>> Twitter: @beatricemartini
>> Support OKFN: okfn.org/support
> --
> Billy Meinke
> Science and Data Intern
> Creative Commons
> Creative Commons is turning 10! Give a birthday gift.<https://creativecommons.net/donate/>
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