[OpenGLAM] ANN: datos.bne.es, the new Linked Data service from the National Library of Spain
Daniel Vila
dvilasuero at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 13:55:06 UTC 2014
The *National Library of Spain (BNE)* (www.bne.es) and the *Ontology
Engineering Group* (www.oeg-upm.net) are glad to announce the new
datos.bne.es Linked Data service (in Spanish).
This new service represents a milestone of the Linked Data project started
by the end of 2011 and that already published Linked Open Data under a *Public
Domain license* (Creative Commons CC0). We have been working to improve
many aspects of the service and would like to share with you some *key
A new way to search, discover and explore.
The new (beta) portal exploits linked data to create *better experiences
for the user*. A graph with millions of new connections allows the user to
explore the collections comprehensively and across three core entities:
authors <http://datos.bne.es/autor/XX1718747.html>, works
<http://datos.bne.es/obra/XX3383588> and topics
<http://datos.bne.es/resource/XX531140>. The search engine
<http://datos.bne.es/find?s=joyce> also uses this graph to retrieve and
rank entities, presenting relevant information to the user and allowing for
simple, easy-to-use faceting.
Besides, we continue to offer a public SPARQL endpoint
<http://datos.bne.es/sparql> for people to query and use the data for their
own applications, content negotiation, and we also provide schema.org
descriptions of authors and works using JSON-LD.
More data, more links.
We have published the full catalogue comprising *more than 9 million
records* and around *150.000 digitalized materials* that generate more than
140 million RDF triples. These linked data resources describe and give
access to authors, organizations, topics, modern and ancient books,
photographs, cartographic materials, drawings, manuscripts, or printed and
manuscript music.
We provide around *1.4 million sameAs links* and add links to new datasets
such as ISNI, data.bnf.fr, id.loc.gov, and geo.linkeddata.es. More
importantly, we have significantly increased the internal links between
authors, bibliographic resources and digital materials.
The BNE data model.
The BNE vocabulary, inspired by the FRBR data model, reuses and integrates
several vocabularies such as IFLA FRBR, ISBD, or RDA, among others. The
vocabulary is available for both humans and machines at
http://datos.bne.es/def/, it is documented in English and Spanish. We will
soon provide alignments to the aforementioned vocabularies.
Help us to improve.
We would very much appreciate receiving feedback from the community. If you
have any ideas/comments on how to improve the service, you encounter
issues/problems, you want to collaborate, etc. please get in touch. But
first we invite you to:
Try it out! <http://datos.bne.es>
Thanks and our best wishes.
Daniel Vila Suero, Asunción Gómez Pérez, Ricardo Santos and Ana Manchado,
on behalf of the OEG and BNE teams.
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